How Do I Rent A Tuxedo?
Renting from Elite Tuxedo is easy! Find the Tuxedo that suits you the best from the list below. Please give us a call or visit our Showroom.

Rental Information Alterations/Tailoring:
For the tuxedo rentals we make alterations only on
the coat sleeves and the pants bottom in order to
adjust them to the length desired by the customer -
It has no extra cost, it is included in the package price.
Drop-off / Pick-ups at Hotels:
To make the customer's life easier, we offer drop-off
and pick-up at some hotels. Delivery West LA &
Downtown - $35.00 Pick-up West LA & Downtown -
$25.00 Contact the store for more information
Rental Return:
Returns are due on the day after the use date. On weekends they can be returned Sunday or Monday.
An additional $25.00 late fee shall be charged for each day of use pass the return date up to a maximum of seven (7) days. On the eight (8) day, customer shall be responsible for replacement cost equal to five (5) times the regular daily rental rate of total rental package or full retail replacement value for missing items inconsideration of merchandise cost and lost revenue.
Packages Include:
Jacket, Pants and Cummerbund
Pleated Shirt: wing-tip or lay-down (we have options for plain shirts)
Vests available for extra $15
Long-tie or Bow-tie Studs and Cuff links Shoes
- We have options of slim plain Shirts for extra $10
- We have options of regular flat front Pants or slim Pants for $10
- Slim Pants are included on the slim fit Tuxedo Packages with no additional charge
Rental Cleaning:
The customer doesn't have to worry about cleaning the tuxedo - As soon as they drop-off their Rentals we handle all the dry-cleaning process and charges involved.
Turn Around/Reservation Prior to Rental:
Even though we do same day services, for reasons of planning and avoiding last minute problems, the ideal would be making a reservation at least 2 weeks before the use date.
Same Day Service:
We offer same day service for an additional charge of $25